NGSP benefits that you might not know

NGSP benefits that you might not know

Compared to its sibling LGSP, NGSP is somewhat less popular. Still, this technology plays a crucial role in the E-government system.
LGSP functions: What can LGSP do?

LGSP functions: What can LGSP do?

As more and more countries around the world have set the goal of developing an E-government, it is still a long process to truly digitalize the cumbersome administrative system, especially when most of them a lack of inter-department connection. Building LGSP or Local Government Service Platform seems to be the answer to this problem. Still, what are LGSP functions? What can LGSP do?
LGSP benefits: Fact or faked

LGSP benefits: Fact or faked

Thanks to the rising trend of e-government in recent years, LGSP or Local Government Service platform has been gaining more and more attention. However, many are doubting LGSP benefits? Are they true or not?
NGSP: The brother of LGSP - Bytesoft

NGSP: The brother of LGSP - Bytesoft

We are in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution and terms like “LGSP” or E-government platform is no stranger. Still, a brother of LGSP, the NGSP, is what we are not familiar with.
LGSP "saves" thousands of State authorities from… obsolescence?

LGSP "saves" thousands of State authorities from… obsolescence?

LGSP is the foundation of e-government, data integration and sharing. Have you understood correctly and adequately about the software that "saves" thousands of State authorities operating on obsolete data management platform?
What does NGSP do in e-Government structure?

What does NGSP do in e-Government structure?

One of NGSP functions is to connect and share data between national information systems, from the government database to the local data storage system.

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